And what makes it even more complicated is that for every platform and channel,
What’s needed is some special equipment to help marketers and entrepreneurs fight the squid. And I think if you neglect blogging, you’re neglecting one of your most powerful tools to advance your content strategy.
Everybody knows blogging is important, but sometimes, we don’t know why. One big mistake marketers make generally is over-compartmentalizing their content strategy—blogging not only has to do with blogging, but also with all the other tentacles of your strategy, and especially social media. So let’s discuss the ways blogging can help you out of a social media slump.
1. Keeps your presence consistent
One cardinal rule of social media marketing (and blogging too) is to post frequently and strategically. The idea is to position content so that it has a chance of reaching its projected audience—the more you post, and the smarter you post, the better chance you have of generating leads and hopefully sales.
However, it can be hard to stay on top of this responsibility—really, social media management is a full-time job, and many companies just don’t have the resources to give it the attention required to fully meet its potential.
Linking your blogging and social media strategy together can help mitigate some of these issues. If you’re already blogging consistently (and I hope you are), you can simply incorporate some of your posts’ content into your social media presence, which not only keeps your social media presence consistent, but also drives traffic back to your blog. What I’m introducing here is a central principle, though I’m going to articulate it in a strange way: blogging and social media are tentacles of the same squid, and as such, as HubSpot has said, they enjoy a “symbiotic relationship”.
2. Helps develop influence
Blogging also does a lot of the legwork for building the credibility of your brand. Social media is great for hard-hitting quips and aphorisms, but it’s difficult to establish yourself as a thought leader in just a photo or a 140-character Tweet. Blogging provides an opportunity for an audience or user-base to see that a brand can think with clarity, depth, and intelligence on a given issue. And this cements the loyalty of an audience, because they trust that whatever content is put out, it will reflect the same credibility and authority that they’ve gleaned from the blog posts.
The proven success of long-form content bolsters this point. While customers are looking for a casual, direct, and colloquial relationship with their brand, that isn’t all they’re looking for. They also want to know that the brand has bonafides—that it can engage on relevant issues with authority. This is done through blogging. This kind of authority attracts customers to all kinds of content produced by a brand, including social media, because the brand has already shown its credibility.
3. Drives engagement
Blogging is also an excellent way to drive engagement on your social media content. And this follows directly from the last point. Longer, meatier content, when shared on social media, can invite more of a thoughtful and prolonged conversation than a simple status update or tweet can.
If you’re following blogging best practices and creating posts that are excellent, useful, and easy to share, and pushing them through your social media platforms, it will invite your followers into an extended discussion with your brand. Your social media channels can then function as a means of addressing further questions and following up with those who are discussing your post. In essence, your brand has begun an authentic conversation with users, which can be an important first step in funneling them into sales. And the conversation will also extend beyond the brand’s participation as well.
A great blog post will inspire engagement between users who aren’t connected with the brand at all. If done right, blogging can generate organic advertising for the brand, and though sparked by the blog post itself, all this is really happening on social media.
4. Fleshes out your brand
Again, social media can do a lot for a brand and company, but it’s not a one-stop-shop for digital marketing. Social media is in essence quickly digestible and short-form content. As I’ve mentioned above, one of the advantages of blogging is that it contributes credibility to your brand voice that can be leveraged on social media.
But what about the brand’s personality generally, apart from credibility? Again, this is a place where blogging can help. Promoting your blog content on your social media platform will allow your followers (and anyone else who happens to be keeping an eye on your content) to develop a better sense of your brand’s voice.
Social media is very good for responding to customer concerns and showcasing the more dynamic, relaxed aspects of your brand. But when it comes to heavier, more fundamental things like core values, these are best described in longer form. Moreover, a blog can serve as a rallying point for the way a brand is expressed across multiple social media channels. After all, each social media channel has its own personality, which will necessarily color your brand. Comedians love Periscope, for example, because of its immediacy, and the fact that it feels like a DIY talk show. On the other hand, bodybuilders love Instagram because it appeals to their love of performance. And this variety is perfect for users. But for a brand, there needs to be a central identity that you can hold on to. Blogging fleshes out the identity, creating a coherent persona for a user to interact with. This opportunity for a well-rounded relationship should not go unexploited.
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