Please introduce yourself and where you work.
My name is Andy Walker and I am the senior strategist and president of the digital marketing agency Cyberwalker Digital, which is based in Tampa Florida.
How do you think SEO has changed over the last 10 years?
SEO has become much more complex. Years ago it was as simple as generating inbound links from pretty much any site, producing semi authoritative content, and spending most of your time on on-page optimization. It was pretty easy to hack to get a good ranking.
How did you get introduced to digital marketing, more specifically SEO?
I worked as a journalist in Canada most of my career/ In 1995 developed technology column which eventually became syndicated. I put all my weekly columns on the web in 1996/1997. I eventually discovered web content was a good source of income once Google Adsense and affiliate programs started to show up around 2003 / 2004. In 2005 I became a TV host on the G4TechTV channel in the US and Canada on a show called Call for Help. All this time I was developing my site Cyberwalker.com, which at the time was a tech help website. Now its my agency’s website. (The tech help content is now at technologytips.com)
Through all this time I started to pay attention to SEO, email marketing, ecommerce and of course social media (which really got traction while I worked in TV 2003-2006.)
Through all this time I started to pay attention to SEO, email marketing, ecommerce and of course social media (which really got traction while I worked in TV 2003-2006.)
What are the services you provide to your clients?
We provide content creation and strategy, full SEO services including link building, site optimization (for speed), mobile optimization, and semantic SEO strategies. Besides SEO, we are WordPress development and Shopify specialists. We also specialized in email marketing. Many of our clients use us for lead generation using all of our expertise. We also develop Facebook and Google ads and manage SEM campaigns.
What strategy according to you will prevail in 2017 for SEO?
Semantic SEO strategies seem to be the most effective this year. That means creating clusters of related content that demonstrate a site’s expertise and thereby raising its authority around related keywords. We back that with link building, on-page optimization and of course social sharing.
What would your advice be to people who are looking to take up digital marketing as a career choice?
Agencies are not looking to train their staff. They are looking to develop enthusiastic and committed workers who love what the do. So when we go looking to hire people we want to find people who have already demonstrated their own level of competency with work they created themselves. If you are starting out, then create a blog about a topic you care about then build it out to attract an audience using content creation, SEO and