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Get to know Anthony DeMarco, SEO Expert, Boston Web Group


Anthony DeMarco is a native Boston digital entrepreneur, creative artist and seo expert. In the past 15 years Anthony has helped develop businesses, brands, digital infrastructure and built over 100 businesses from the ground up.

Please introduce yourself and where you work.

Anthony DeMarco, SEO expert at Boston Web Group, headquartered in Wakefield MA, with a location in Boston

How do you think SEO has changed over the last 10 years?

Drastically, starting with abude of “META” tags in the late 90’s early 2k’s, then with Google’s introduction of adwords in the last decade, through to Google’s notorious Penguin update, it’s been a rapid road of changing SEO methodology and practice.

How did you get introduced to digital marketing, more specifically SEO?

I came across SEO as an artist seeking an outlet for digital art created on behalf of my clients in 2003. What I knew then is true now: if you make someone money, you’ll always have a job. It became clear that Boston SEO helped local clients make significant amounts of money from the visibility and the style of that visibility, and I’ve been delivering this simple concept to clients since.

What are the services you provide to your clients?

Everything is centric to SEO, but includes anything needed to “sell the idea” to the prospective cusotmers – including but not limited to logo development, complete brand design, graphic design, website development, and video production.

What strategy according to you will prevail in 2017 for SEO?

Genuine content. This is real content, that adds to Google’s database of useful information, and not useless comments, backlink farms, or black hat SEO.

What would your advice be to people who are looking to take up digital marketing as a career choice?

Get into wearing multiple hats – it’s the agile person with unique strategy who ultimately wins for the client with organic SEO. You can always intern at Boston Web Group and learn Boston SEO !

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