Google PageSpeed Insights is a common term that resonates with much higher frequency in the world of digital marketing.
But before we gain a deeper understanding of this tool, one must know “Why Google Page Speed matters?” or “What is the significance of Google Page Speed in today’s digital landscape?” And most importantly “Which automated tool can give you the best PageSpeed Insights?”
Page speed holds a significant role in SEO because it is paramount for higher website ranking in the SERP algorithm.
Market studies and surveys say that most of the websites that witness high traffic and conversion rates have a more than decent Google page speed. Any tool that gives PageSpeed Insights report would rate those websites comparatively better than others.
So, confessing this notion, let’s march forward to learn more about Google PageSpeed Insights and how it performs Google speed tests for websites.
What is Google PageSpeed Insights?
Google PageSpeed Insights is a preferred free tool designed to measure a website’s page speed on mobile and desktop.
The PageSpeed Insights score is given between 0 to 100. It is one of the most efficient tools for Google website speed tests.
A high score means that your website is optimized and has optimum speed and efficiency.
In case the PageSpeed Insights score is low, you need to work significantly on the Google page speed verticals and improve your score.
Learn to Use Google PageSpeed Insights Tool
Now that you know about Google Speed Insights, it is important to learn how to use it for the Google website speed test.
Well, you can use Google PageSpeed Insights in 3 simple steps:
- Visit Google PageSpeed Insights,
- Feed the URL,
- Click analyze
The tool will immediately start analyzing your web page.
Remember, the speed of analysis depends on the complexity of pages and the internet bandwidth of your service provider.
Post analysis, you get to see the PageSpeed Insights score between 0-100 on both mobile and desktop. Along with that, you also get a list of improvement opportunities recommended by the tool.
The opportunities are displayed along with their respective contribution to save time and improve the speed of your web pages.
Implement those suggestions and re-run the process to check for improvement in PageSpeed Insights score.
Decode the PageSpeed Insights Report
After learning how to use the Google PageSpeed Insights tool, you must know the process of dissecting the Google website speed test report.
Now, the Google page speed test may seem complicated at first go, but you will easily comprehend it after understanding the technical aspects.
So, let’s explore the three fundamental sections of Google PageSpeed Insights or Google Page Speed Test.
Core Web Vitals Assessment of Google Page Speed Test
“Core Web Vitals” defines an integral aspect of the Google page speed test. On the top of this assessment page, you will get the marking as “passed” or “failed.”
The key ranking factors of Core Web Vitals are:
LCP (Largest Contentful Paint): It depicts the loading time of the content till it becomes visible to users.
CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift): It defines the visual firmness and stability of the content at loading time.
FID (First Input Delay): The time taken by the website to respond after the first click defines the FID of the site.
Diagnose Performance Issues With Google Page Speed Test
Below the “Core Web Vitals Assessment,” you will get a section called “Diagnose Performance Issues.” This section further goes through four major bifurcations.
Let’s find them out.
Performance: The performance score shows how well the pages are performing in regards to Google page speed and optimization.
Accessibility: This encapsulates factors like navigation easiness, image alt text, and color contrast to manage the user’s visual impairments.
Best Practices: This section measures how well the web pages adhere to the best practices of web development. It includes incorporating modern web technologies, using optimized code, and inculcating secured connections.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): This vertical excessively focuses on the optimization forte of your website for search engines, streamlining metadata, structuring the flow of information, and ensuring the mobile-friendliness of the website.
Opportunities of Google Page Speed Test
Finally, the “Opportunities” section is below the “Core Web Vitals Assessments” and “Diagnose Performance Issues” slots.
It offers you Google recommendations, including simplifying code, image optimization, constricting server response time, and so on.
What Is a Good PageSpeed Insights Score?
The highest score of Google PageSpeed Insights is 100/100. Ideally, a score above 90 is considered good; any score between 50-89 needs improvement, and a score below 50 is taken as poor. In that case, you will have to work on the issues and retake the Google page speed test.
Moreover, the site audit feature of RankWatch can help you to improve your Google site speed.
By using this feature, you can instantly gain the insights like
- Page depth
- Failed URLs
- Broken pages
- Noindex pages
- Non-200 pages
- Excluded URLs
- Canonicalized pages
- HTTP status code distribution
- Page response time distribution
- 301-redirects and non-301 redirects
- Pages With Conflicting Canonical Tags, and a lot more.
Work on the above-mentioned issues to improve the patent score given by RankWatch and then separately check the score in the Google page speed test.
You will get to see that the score given by PageSpeed Insights automatically improved.
Thus, here, you can draw the conclusion that the scores of PageSpeed Insights and RankWatch website audit tools are directly proportional and correlated to each other.
So, it is clear that you can use the RankWatch Site Audit feature as an alternative to Google page insights or to improve the Google site speed.
Does PageSpeed Insights Score Impact Site SEO?
Since the PSI score in the Google speed test of a website is determined by the page experience and Google page speed, the PageSpeed Insights score is itself a reflection of a successful SEO establishment.
You can count on the notion that a better PSI score in the Google website speed test means your SEO verticals are kept intact. Similarly, a bad PSI in Google website speed test shows that you are to work on the Google site speed and user experience of your website.
So, a Google site speed test is a necessary action for today’s competitive and data-driven businesses.
You can easily determine the factors that are affecting your Google site speed with RankWatch’s Website Analyzer. SEO analyzer is one of the finest free tools in the market to take a Google website speed test.
It gives you multiple necessary insights like page loading speed, content break, and, most importantly, speed recommendations to elevate the Google page speed of your website. After implementing these tips, the speed of your website will automatically improve.
How to Score Well in Google PageSpeed Insights?
Well, now, the most important part of this blog. How to improve the Google PageSpeed insights?
Let’s find them out.
Eradicate Render-Blocking Resources
Render-blocking resources reduce the loading time of your web page.
When you get rid of these obstacles, your page will automatically load faster than usual, and eventually, your score in Google website speed test will improve.
Again, the mobile-rendering section of RankWatch SEO analyzer would give you insights on the render-blocking resources that can be further eliminated to improve the Google page speed of your website.
Decrease Server Response Times (TTFB)
The server response time, also called TTFB (time to first byte), is the time taken by the web browser to receive the first data byte from the server.
The more you reduce the TTFB, the more improvement in the PSI score will occur.
Further, the on page seo audit feature of RankWatch gives you insight on time to first byte (TTFB). In case the TTBB falls under the suggested range, it’s fine, else you can take necessary action to improve the timing and uplift the overall PSI score of your Google website speed test.
Image Optimization
The size of the images is an important factor that affects the Google page speed and page loading time of your website.
So, image optimization is another way to skyrocket your PSI score on the Google website speed test.
For image optimization, the SEO IQ feature of RankWatch comes as a boon. It offers you data on page size with images and page size without images.
If the tool says that no action is required, it’s well and good. Otherwise, you can implement the required actions to optimize your image and improve the website’s speed.
Refrain Chaining Critical Requests
Chaining critical requests is a scenario where your web pages have to download multiple files and elements in order to load. Avoiding this phenomenon will improve your PSI score in the Google website speed test.
The website analyzer of RankWatch gives you insights on content breakdown, mentioning the components, requests, and size of the pages.
You can set the priorities according to the given stats, which will help improve the PSI score of your Google website speed test.
Adopt Preloading Key Requests
Preloading a key request means setting up a download priority for the browser in terms of files and assets. When you get this done, your PSI score will undoubtedly improve.
Thus, you can set the priority assets like CSS files, JavaScript, Fonts, and Images. This will eventually improve your website’s page speed.
Decrease CSS and JavaScript
CSS and JavaScript files are large enough to slow down your website’s Google site speed. Try reducing the PSS and JavaScript files to elevate your PSI score in the Google site speed test.
Offscreen Images Deferring
As we discussed earlier, big images are a potential threat to your website’s Google page speed and page loading time.
So, deferring the offscreen images will help you a lot to accelerate in Google speed test of your website with a higher PSI score.
Reduce Document Object Model (DOM) Size
A tree-like structure of the HTML web page is called a document object model (DOM).
It is a programmed interface for web documents that addresses the HTML and XML files in a tree structure.
Reducing the size of DOM will help you to increase the PSI score of your website in the Google site speed test.
Just cut down the unwanted elements and attributes by removing the unused CSS files and JavaScript. The DOM size will automatically decrease leading to the improvement of Google page speed and PSI score of Google speed insights.
Fix Multiple Page Redirects
Redirects automatically route the users from one URL to another. Consequently, the page loading speed drastically drops down. Fixing the err too many redirects will exponentially increase your PSI score on the Google website speed test.
You can use the free URL redirect checker of RankWatch to find the 301 & 302 redirect issues and fix them to improve your website’s Google page speed.
Just visit the respective tool, enter the targeted URL, and click on find redirects.
If there is no redirection found, you have a good website. In case there are redirects on your website, immediately fix them to make your site better.
And obviously, the best part is that it is exclusively available as a free tool for users. So you don’t have to worry about the charges.
Avoid Overusing Third-Party Code
Third-party frameworks like plugins, scripts, and pixels reduce the loading time and Google page speed. Avoiding the usage of third-party codes will resolve this problem and significantly improve the PSI score in the Google site speed test.
Well, this is all about Google page insights, the procedure of using it, decoding the PageSpeed report, evaluating the score, and the method of scoring well in Google page insights.
You also got to know how a digital marketing platform like RankWatch can serve as an alternative to Google PSI and how it helps you to improve the PageSpeed insights score.
Hope this blog is useful for you and gives you all the required information on Google page insights that you are looking for.
And next time don’t forget to get a Google site speed test after launching your website. And, since the Google speed test of your website is very necessary for your business, try using RankWatch to get this done.