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7 Landing Page Optimization Tips for Better Conversion

Landing pages can be the single most effective part of your sales strategy. By driving traffic to a specific page with a specific offer, you are offering potential customers a clear way to flow into the top of your sales funnel.

For that reason, it probably won’t come as a surprise that landing page builders are big business. Long gone are the days where vast knowledge of web design is needed to create a landing page. Now, anyone can use one of the many builders on the market to build a page, either from scratch or from a template, and take it to market quickly. Many services even offer options to create free landing pages too.

What’s more, these builders, essentially demonstrate landing page best practices right within their templates, so you’re not left scratching your head when it comes to creating the perfect page. A title here, an image there and voila!

That said, there’s one element that landing page builders can’t always help you with, and that’s the copy. For this one, you’re largely on your own!

So, to help you make the most out of your landing page, we’ve compiled a list of 7 copywriting tips to help you create a landing page that converts like crazy.

Attention-Grabbing Headline

Your heading is the first thing that people will see when they come to your landing or welcome page, so it must be good! Many copywriters spend the most amount of time thinking about their title or headline than any other element of the page.

Luckily, there are a few simple formulas that you can follow when writing your headline. In Chip and Dan Heath’s Made To Stick, they looked at the formulas used in some of the most successful ads and found that their headlines followed one of 5 basic formulas.

  1. The Testimonial – give your visitors social proof right away
  2. The Cliffhanger – use the phrase ‘This…is…’ to create intrigue and suspense
  3. The Value Proposition – show your visitors how you solve their problem
  4. The Listicle – 36% of people prefer headlines with numbers
  5. The How-To – one of the most popular phrases in viral headlines

So, stick to one of these 5 structures, and you have a recipe for success!

Simple sentence structure

It’s a fact, people skim read! So, you mustn’t use complex sentence structure, or vocabulary, for that matter.

Many people, especially passionate business owners, want to write long in-depth paragraphs about how awesome their business, product or service is, but a landing page isn’t the place to do that. Walls of text-only serve to turn off your visitors and have them navigate away from your page as quickly as they found it!

Here are two top tips to help you write clear and concise copy:

  1. Use a tool such as Hemingway Editor which will assess the complexity of your writing
  2. Bullet points are your friend (see what I did there? ?)

Discuss benefits, not features

When you’re talking about your product, remember that while you know why its features are beneficial to your audience, your audience hasn’t yet made that link.

Even if you feel like the benefits of your product are glaringly obvious, they’re not! You need to tell your visitors why a certain feature is beneficial to them. Waiting for them to spell it out for themselves is not a good tactic!

Be specific and use numbers

People love data. It backs up what you’re saying and helps you create more trust with your potential customers. Let’s take the following examples:

  1. “You’ll get more sales quickly.”
  2. “On average, our customers see a 67% increase in sales within 30 days.”  

Which example is more compelling to you? The second one, right? 

You see, including numbers in your copy tells the reader that you a) know what you’re doing, b) have proven results and c) are basing your claims in facts. All these things combined lead to a deeper level of trust and a higher likelihood that your visitors will turn into customers.

Use testimonials

Testimonials are compelling in product marketing. You can say what you like about your product. You’re biased, and your potential customers know that!

But when your customers have great things to say about your product or service, that’s a whole new ball game. Your customers have no agenda, they don’t have to say anything nice at all about you, but the fact that they have is enormous in the eyes of your potential customers.

By including testimonials, you’re showing visitors to your landing page that you can help them in the same way you’ve helped your previous and existing customers, making them much more likely to buy or take the next step.

Make sure you have a CTA

People don’t take action on their own; you have to ask them to. That’s why you must have a solid call to action on your landing page.

By asking your customers to take action – whether that be to enter their email address, buy a product, sign up to a webinar, etc. – you are much more likely to get them to take that action than if you don’t. Without asking them to do something, your page is ultimately just a page of irrelevant content!

You don’t have to limit yourself to one call to action either; you can add buttons and opt-ins throughout the page. But, be careful, if you do that, make sure all your CTAs are asking a customer to take the same action. Too many options will only cause the visitor to take no action at all.

Test your copy

When it comes to creating a landing page that converts, you need to understand that testing and optimizing is a huge page of it. Companies spend hundreds of thousands of dollars every year on conversion rate optimization (CRO) teams to constantly monitor, test and tweak things like landing pages.

Now, you don’t need to go out and test to within an inch of your life, but what you should do is test a couple of different versions of your copy, particularly your headlines, to see which converts better. Sometimes the smallest change might result in the most significant difference.

But after all, said and done…

All in all, one thing’s for sure. It’s more important to get your landing page up and running quickly rather than spending hours, days or weeks agonizing over the perfect copy. Sure, you might have to change things down the track, but by getting something live now, you are at least able to test how your copy converts, rather than guessing and continually perfecting things pre-launch.

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