When you are just starting an eCommerce business, it can be difficult to know where to begin with your marketing efforts. The marketing of the newly setup store is not just a one day game. It requires a lot of efforts and strategies to sustain. When you are starting your business, and starting to market, it is important for you to learn every concept that is related to the subject. Clear the basics, know why having a planned marketing strategy is a must to survive in the competitive online world.
We have developed a personalized guide to help you succeed in your eCommerce marketing. So, what are you waiting for? Keep on reading to learn more!
Create a Content Marketing Strategy
The only smart way to start something new is to devise a plan first. Similar to an article getting an outline and a rough draft, eCommerce businesses need a good marketing strategy to become a successful product. This goes for all types of online businesses, including those on Amazon or Etsy. This includes listing every method you plan on using to connect with your consumers, such as media content, blog posts, or newsletters.
It’s also important to check with your strategy every day, week, or month, to make sure you are on schedule. For that you can make a content calendar to keep track.
Search Engine Optimization
Even though the term Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, can make people run from it, it’s easier than you think. In this section, we will be talking about SEO and how you can use it to increase foot traffic to your online site:
– Devise product and content templates to delegate automated on-page SEO, this includes descriptions, meta descriptions, titles, headers, etc. However, you should put plenty of keyword research to boost your rankings beyond your competitors.
– Use analytics tools such as Google Analytics to set keyword goals and whether or not they will work to increase your audience.
– Instead of creating messy folders, plan out your site in a more logical sense with internal links that connect with your keyword research.
– Create a rating and review system, as well as product samples to make your online business stand out from your competitors.
– Create an online forum, blog, etc.
– Increase your page loading speed to prevent loss of customers
Social Media
Social media plays a critical role in eCommerce business, this is why it’s so important to spend so much time on it. Nearly 93 percent of consumers make buying decisions on social media, with 90 percent of that range saying they trust product reviews or recommendations from their friends or family. Take advantage of social media to compete more aggressively with your competitors.
– Instead of sharing useless content that your audience won’t want to read, only share useful posts such that add value to content. The last thing your consumers want to read is endless sales pitches from your Twitter account.
– Posting consistently will help improve your customer engagement rates and increase foot traffic to your website. Sharing on a constant basis will prove to your audience that you are only interested in sharing valuable content that your audience will want to read.
– Use image-based content to add more engagement to your posts.
– Use social media advertising such as Facebook Ads, Promoted Tweets, or LinkedIn ads to highlight an exclusive product to boost conversion rates. Plus, these ad tactics can also increase foot traffic to your website as well.
– Create a blog on your eCommerce site. This is one of the best ways to post content that your entire audience can see, no matter what social media platform they use. However, use inspirational and educational content so your audience has something to react to.
– Use SEO in your social media posts to increase traffic to your website and increase conversion to your products. However, to do this you should do keyword research to find the best content that correlates to your business and products.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is one of the most basic and effective types of eCommerce marketing techniques. Not only is it easy to orchestrate, but can be very influential to your customers who lack a social media account.
Additionally, implementing small advertisements are perfect for email campaigns. Use a line of emails to keep up with current or potential customers, sell them products/services, or offer important information they can take advantage of. Here are a few ways you can boost your email marketing game.
– Personalize each email by addressing them directly to the respondent
– Run a giveaway and offer subscribers a special discount or free gift
– Send out automated emails campaigns for special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, when people purchase an item, or sign up for to receive your emails
Mobile eCommerce
More and more these days, people are surfing the web on their mobile devices. This means that an increased number of people are also making purchases and browsing eCommerce websites on their devices. A smart eCommerce shop owner should jump on this growing trend and strategize quickly. It may be one of the best ways to grow the reach of your product. In fact, 15 percent of all money spent on eCommerce sites is spent from a mobile device.
Here are a few methods you can use to boost your mobile sales and expand your reach.
– Create a mobile friendly version of your website or take it one step further and build an app. A mobile app will give your customers and more unique and interesting experience. This will also make it easier to brand your shop on the App Store and increase your credibility. It may also increase your overall reach and bring more validation to your business. However, the path of creating an app should only be taken if you have the time and budget to do it well. Otherwise, it may harm your business.
– Take advantage of impulse decision making. A lot of mobile eCommerce shopping can encourage customers to make quick buying decisions. One such example is Amazon’s one-click “Buy Now” option. Try to plan out and implement this sort of button for your mobile website. Just be sure to create a positive experience by making the button large enough to see and ensuring that it is functional. You can also offer an incentive like a special discount for users who use the one-click buying or for those who use your mobile site in general.
Now that the tactics and ways to become more Global by getting online are sorted, develop a website which is SEO friendly, have a mobile friendly interface and is also updated with on-page SEO templates. Different ways to boost your product reach and sales by opting Social Media Marketing is another path to reach great heights for your Online Business. Choose any or more from the above list to make your brand more considerable online.