February 2019's SEO Superstar
Divya Jain

Many experienced SEO will know that originally around 2005, the no-follow attribute was developed to help fight comment link spam, flag paid links and also to disassociate responsibility when linking to external sites from your website. However, in present day SEO
(and for several years now), Google would still recommends websites acquire a mix of do-follow AND no-follow links because it still wants to know about authority signals from links coming from other relevant websites. The key is to have attribute diversity. For example, you wouldn't want to not acquire a link from a site like Wikipedia on a relevant Wikipedia page just because it was a no-follow link. Every SEO knows that Wikipedia has massive trust with Google. In the instance of gaining an authority link that has a no-follow, it's clear that Google would also still want to know about that Wikipedia link association and who Wikipedia deems authoritive enough to link to. This would in turn ultimately contribute as a signal for Google when deciding which websites to rank. In summary, rather than focusing on do-follow or no-follow links, it's important to focus on quality, relevancy and authority links which Google will still notice and wants to know about.
Regardless of where it came from or how much link juice you get from the link, traffic is traffic. The more sources you have linking to you even if they are not followed by Google the more chance you have for people to end up on your page. Which will lead to more signals for Google indicating that your content is worth reading or
viewing. Even if it's not helping you grow Page Authority it is helping you serve your info to more people, it does help you just not in the traditional way that a backlink can serve. In some cases, a no-follow is much more valuable than a follow. For instance, a link on a site like BBB.org will drive 100 people to your site in a month, and a do follow site with low traffic may drive 1-5 people to your site and a page with very low authority and relatively no traffic will serve you very little.
Often a time, companies promote their product by offering a free trial or a demo of their services/products but does that stops them from advertising or other forms of such promotions/marketing which does not provide the potential customer with any visible/direct reason to
buy what the company is selling. This works in the world of link-building as well, while a do-follow link might support the direct endorsement of the site, it alone isn't enough. When a house is built, bricks alone aren't enough, cement has to support them. Similarly in the outer world, if a product was to be endorsed by several celebrities at once but you don't find any other mention of it elsewhere, it's bound to get suspicious. Same works in the eyes of Google (and most other search engines) who has repeatedly said that its sole aim is to improve the quality of web and present engaging yet informational and useful content to its visitors. Hence, you would do better if, for each of the do-follow links that you tend to build manually, some cousins of it i.e. the no-follow links are build to support them.