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How to Generate Links for Your Local Business


Link generation is something that those with even the most basic understanding of SEO (search engine optimization) can comprehend. On the surface level, it makes sense – the more websites linking to you, the better your ranking.

It’s kind of like a popularity contest – think of the links as votes. The more people voting for you, the more relevant you become and the longer people talk about you.

If it were only that simple though, everyone would be doing it.

So what’s the secret?

If you have a local business, getting local links is one of your main priorities.

Many factors are ever-changing in the SEO game, however, links continue to be the root of it all. Not just those easy ones that anyone can buy – gone are the days of paying for links and seeing results. After all, if you had to pay for your real friends, would they ever really be loyal to you?

For start-up small businesses, building local and organic links early on can make all the difference between success and belly flop.

Generating relationships with local, niche-specific businesses is beneficial for a number of reasons:

  1. You are avoiding the “big industry” links that often come across as paid links
  2. You are driving industry-specific traffic
  3. Joining forces with local businesses will bring you nearby customers

So how do you do it?

Most local communities hold networking groups for entrepreneurs. This can be a great way to get your foot in the door and forge lasting relationships. At these events you can scout out the best alliances in your area and exchange contact info that can lead to guest posting opportunities (links) and social media outreach.

You can also use tools like LeadFuze to automate the process of finding connections in your industry and prospects for sales. This will allow you to build these relationships sooner and without the hassle of searching for contact info.

Ever sit down to create your content calendar only to feel that creeping panic of creating new and interesting topics?

Chill out, the good part is you can (and should) use other industry leaders top performing content for inspiration. In fact, check and see what content is performing best for your competitors.

No, this isn’t cheating, it’s smart link building!

As you read over blog posts, start thinking “okay, this is great but how can I improve on it?” Dive deeper into areas you feel need more beefing up and create a killer post on your own.

So how does this get you links?

The old fashioned way!

People read your content, love your content and then promote your content (i.e. link build) for you. It’s a win-win from an SEO standpoint. Optimize your writing organically with strategic keywords and your rankings will thank you.

Sure, it will take a little bit of outreach on your part to get the ball rolling but being active socially in your local online communities is the best way to start.

If you aren’t sure what content is performing the best, use a tool like BuzzSumo to identify hot topics and high performing content from your competitors.

Who doesn’t love a party? When it comes to getting in the good graces of your community, throwing an event is ideal.

Whether you are celebrating the city’s anniversary or an annual holiday, whenever you host an event people will share the news. A great way to also encourage linking and sharing is to do community photos at the event and to promote a landing or social page where you will be displaying them on the day following the event.

Nothing drives traffic and social shares like photos.

How often do you walk into a local restaurant and see something like “voted best margaritas in town,” or “award winning customer service,” and think to yourself – “says who?” Local contests are smart on so many levels.

Not only does accreditation on any level help your local business, but it also helps you from a link building standpoint as well since contest voting and result pages funnel tons of traffic.

If you aren’t sure of any awards relevant for your industry, you might be surprised what a simple search query for you own community will reveal.

Typically, each community has their own business directory, or several, online. If you don’t see one that is right for your industry (or community), building one is a great way to form relationships while encouraging local links.

If you are in the dry cleaning business, for example, create a directory for the best local businesses for families in the area. Embrace the opportunity to drum up local business while also encouraging others to share your links.

Let’s face it, people love to read (and share) information online regarding community figures. While perhaps gossip magazines are the best example of this, news-type writeups and interviews are highly-shared content.

Have a new mayor running? Do an interview.

Top new award winning chef in your town? Interview him as well.

Now you are appealing to you local consumers while once again offering a shareable link and traffic to your site.

This old-school sales and marketing technique is one that stands the test of time and yet is often forgotten. Communities are typically very tight-knit and sport is the glue that holds families and schools together.

Connecting your name to any of these community sports teams, by sponsoring or other means, will give you instant brand recognition and link juice to your site as community and sports events are shared online.

If sports isn’t a huge hit in your community, club donations are another great sponsorship opportunity.

Basically, it will only take some surface level research to find what makes your community tick. Once you discover the most popular activities, networking and local links are all yours for the taking.

Because typically students and alumni are very connected to the Internet, emailing leaders of these organizations often proves very successful for getting links. Typically military and veteran offers are slightly more challenging from a promotional standpoint but still worth promoting and pursuing.

Just as your own community event photography can bring you traffic and links, so can the photography portion on its own.

Even if it’s not an event you are personally throwing, hiring a photographer to cover it is a great way to bring your ideal demographic to your website. Create a landing page with these portraits and lifestyle pics and after a bit of promotion, your community will be link building for you in no time.

The one similar connection all these points have in common is networking for the community. Whether you are taking photos at community events, hosting your own activity or sponsoring local sports teams, you are sure to gain recognition within the community both online and offline.

The importance of networking is something that should never be overlooked. While our relationships in sales and marketing are largely nurtured online, local businesses still get their start with a handshake and a smile…and of course those ever important “votes” for our companies – that’s what solid link building is all about.

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