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A Lethal Tool To Find Your Rivals: The Brand New RankWatch Competitor Analysis

No matter whether you have an online or offline business, rivals play a more vital role than your partners.

If you are a website owner, offering high-quality content, targeting the right keywords and audience may not be enough to ensure a place in search engine results pages.

In the present competitive digital marketing era, having a clear idea about your competitor’s marketing strategy is a must.

Having said that, the only way to have that idea is to perform an in-depth competitor analysis, aka competitive analysis.

Competitor research plays an essential role in planning your further marketing techniques. Hence it needs to be accurate and flawless.

And it would be best if you had a reliable competitor analysis tool to analyze competitors that would ensure the results’ accuracy.

How To Do A Competitor Analysis? Hack Their SEO Strategy Using RankWatch’s Competitor Analysis

RankWatch is the best SEO competitor analysis tool available online, ensuring the highest level of detail and accuracy.

The competitor research tool also offers an easy user interface, making competitor site analysis a cakewalk.

Follow the simple steps to use this feature effectively,

  1. Log in to your RankWatch account and go to the dashboard.
  2. Add your competitor as a new project.
  3. Click on the ‘Competitors’ tab.
  4. The tool will show its ranking trend.

Assistance From AI Lara

The AI-assistant, LARA, shows the list of new competition, organic traffic, ads, and different SERP features of both existing and emerging rivals.

Complete List Of Your Competitors

Scrolling down further shall show the complete list of your competitors with all ranking keywords, ranking URLs, average rank, snippets, and many more.

You can analyze unlimited competitors using the RankWatch tool. 

Competitor Comparison

The competitor tracking tool also allows you to compare your competitors. 

You need to select the competitors you want to compare and then click the ‘Competitors Comparison’ button.

The tool will show you the comparison results in no time.

You can further narrow down your competitor insights by finding a country-specific search volume depending on the operational area of your business.

Adding KPIs As Per Requirement

You can add more KPIs while comparing your competitors.

You need to click on the ‘Table Settings’ and can apply them as per your requirement.

Spying On Competitors’ Ad Copies

The tool not only allows you to find competitors, their ranking overview, and trend but also allows you to check the ad copies your competitors are running.

First, you need to click on the ‘Ad Copies’ tab.

Then you need to select the competitor’s domain name by clicking on the drop-down menu.

The tool will provide you with the list of ad copies run by your competitors and the new keywords targeted by them.


Competitor website analysis has become an intrinsic part of SEO.

Analyzing your competitors is equally essential, like developing top-notch content and targeting the right keywords and audience.

The competitive analysis provides you with the set of new keywords targeted by your competitors and the source of their backlinks.

That helps you to rank better and acquire quality backlinks.

Moreover, competitor analysis also gives you a clear picture of what latest marketing techniques your competitors are adopting, which will help you further enhance your marketing strategy.

Performing competitor analysis manually can be hectic and demands a lot of time and effort.

That is why competitor monitoring tools are becoming popular day by day.

However, it would be best to choose the right tool from the available lot. The tool must be reliable and offer accurate results.

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