Give some best tips to start search engine marketing?


Asked by Cameron Shisler

Post Date : Wed, 05/24/2017 - 01:21

Categories : SEO

1 Answers | 0 Views

There are some basic steps to start SEO for a website-

1) Research the complete detail of the product/service that you want to start

2) Make a website that should be simple and user friendly

3) Start Keyword research for your site. Take help from Google Keyword planner

4) Write quality content and mention where they matter

5) Internal linking to all your important pages

6) Create seo friendly URL structure

7) Use alt tags in images

8) Link to other websites 

9) Update the information of your website frequently

10) Make sure your website is indexed in Google or other search engines as well.

11) Do competitor Research to aware the latest tactics

12) Follow your best competitors strategies

13) Generating backlinks for your site

14) Promote your website on social level

Answered Date 26-May-17 by William

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