How can improve my alexa rank?


Asked by Wesley Lacroix

Post Date : Thu, 05/25/2017 - 05:30

Categories : Ranking

1 Answers | 0 Views

Try the following to increase the alexa:

1. Install the Alexa toolbar and surf your site.

2. Write quality-rich content. Keep it inclined towards webmasters. Promote it on various webmaster forums (include your URL in your signature) and social networking platforms.

3. Write blogs and articles on Alexa. This will help in getting links to your pages, ultimately improving your rankings.

4. Reach out to the people you know and ask them to install Alexa toolbar and ask them to visit your site.

5. Use more Alexa related keywords.

6. Put the alexa widget on your website. It is likely to provoke the users to click on it and check what is in there, ultimately giving you a link.

7. Be active across social networking websites and platforms on Digg, Stumbleupon etc.

Answered Date 10-May-17 by Stewart Paulus

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