How to build quality backlinks?
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Some ways to build backlinks can be found below:
1. Article Marketing- It is regarded as the most effective way to get quality backlinks to your website. However, one thing to consider is to market the articles on relevant websites. Do make the best use of anchor text when doing so as well.
2. Social networks- Social networks are under-utilised method to get quality backlinks, even though a lot of backlinks you do get are no-follow, some may be do-follow. Also, social networks allow you to include a link to your site in the authors bio which is a strong method by itself and should not be underestimated.
3. Press Releases- Make use of press releases to get backlinks as your press release provides new content for smaller websites, and could also be picked up by a news site which means you will more exposure.
4. Link Exchange- Although this is considered a black hat SEO technique, it is still really effective.
5. Document Sharing Sites- Another really effective way to gain quality backlinks is by sharing or submitting your articles and ebooks to document sharing websites such as slideshare etc.
6. Guest Blogging- Guest blogging on blogs is a great way to build quality one-way backlinks to your website. These backlinks will also be of high authority as the blogs you would be guest posting on will be trusted by Google over time.
7. Blog commenting- An effective way to build quality links is by blog commenting. It is thought that blog comments cannot be used to build backlinks but it has been proved otherwise.
Answered Date 17-May-17 by Mary H Chun
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