What is the importance of website speed?


Asked by Frank Melcher

Post Date : Mon, 05/29/2017 - 07:09

Categories : On-page optimization

1 Answers | 0 Views


Speed loading time majorly contributes the decision on page abandonment.

According to some surveys, an average user tends to abandon a page if the site doesn’t load within 3 seconds; 79% of the shoppers said they won’t return to the website when they had trouble with website speed. As you can see from the stats above, loading speed plays a great role in your conversions.

If your site is taking forever to load, it’s certain that your potential sales would go down the drain. For every second you reduce the website load time, you tend to increase customer confidence and trust in your website which ultimately gives way to a rise in your conversion rate.

Answered Date 08-May-17 by Mark J Stalling

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