What parameters should a website be analysed on?


Asked by Terry Salmons

Post Date : Thu, 05/11/2017 - 16:34

Categories : Website Analysis

1 Answers | 0 Views

A website analysis should entail a complete health check of the websites in terms of all it’s aspects.

As per me, I analyze my website on 6 parameters including SEO (if all the meta tags, headings, title tags are in place etc), Mobile (if my website is completely optimized for mobile devices), Social (how Is my website’s participation on various social media platforms), Speed (Is my website loading under 3 seconds or not), Traffic (how much traffic am I getting ) and Technology (my website runs on which server).

I use RankWatch’s Website Analyzer tool (one great asset you should use to analyze your website), which gives a detailed report after analyzing all the above mentioned aspects with all its intricacies.   

Answered Date 25-May-17 by Frank Melcher

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