Welcome to the Marketing Lego Thought Leader Interview. Today, we will speak with Fernando Vitti, Founder and CEO of Nexforce, about his journey and how he came up with his marketing consultancy firm. We will also discuss valuable insights on inbound methodology, CRM, automation tools and more.

Hey everyone, and welcome to today’s Marketing Lego’s Thought Leader interview. My name is Harshit, and I’m the Director of Business Alliances of two amazing marketing SaaS tools, RankWatch and WebSignals. Today’s guest is the founder of a Brazilian-based growth consultancy firm called Nexforce, and he’s also the founder of an e-learning platform, scale-up, Fernando Vitti. Welcome so much, and it’s so good to have you on the show today.

Cool. Let’s talk about your journey, Fernando. How were you as a kid, and how did you get to where you are today?
When she did that, he didn’t react well. And to return to my mother, he created that for me and my brother, the number one. And out of the blue, I was fully lowered with that. And my father disappeared for six years. And I was forced to sell the company to rescue my family. So in ’21, I lost everything, my dream. And I remember seeing this company as something divine that appeared in my life to help my family. And that was the first time I realized that life is not easy. Life is not like in the movies. Life will punch you in the face, knock you down, and force you to stay there. Because when I saw the company, I was like the dream was over. I cannot save my family. I cannot, at this point, even save myself. And what happens next is interesting because I lost everything. I lived in a small town near Sao Paulo, so let’s move to Sao Paulo. I started a new university. I’m a dropper of law.
I started a business administration and needed money, so I went for internship positions. This is my first fun fact because I was refused in all the internship processes in my career. I never did an internship. I have never been an intern in my life. I was refused over and over. Not school. But what was going on was that I could find an intern position. I was getting rejected. Money was getting over. Then, I met the founder of a now multi-billion dollar company called Ifoot. They were just a startup back then, and he invited me to work with him. I convinced the guy that I was a super senior entrepreneur, so he should hire me as an analyst, not an intern. And this was my first position. I worked my ass out, like 15 hours per day plus university, and started growing. One year later, I became the head of marketing and did the expansion through Latin America. Then I moved it to a company, which was called Vita, which was a medical device software. So, basically, it is for a process manager for medical clinics and hospitals. And the company would have ten people when I joined it.
It was completely a joke. I remembered the first day I was like, fuck what I did with my life. Can I go back? Can I go back? And then I figured, no, you can’t go back. You decided to get down here, and I’ll fix the problem. And this is what I did. One year later, we went from 30,000 monthly revenue to 700,000, from 30,000 to 700,000, and from 10 people to 200 people.

Wow. Amazing.

Got you. Got you.

I’m just curious about your process now. When any client or business approaches you, how do you go about that? How do you figure out what problems, which are the areas where they need help, and then jump either to a solution or formulate a process for them? How do you go about that?

I got you. Coming to your inbound methodology, how do you go about that? What are the channels that you leverage for your clients?

Yeah, some Google snippets will be there. Yeah, that’s true.

I got you. That’s clever. It will always depend on the client. It’s business on what channel would be an ideal fit to leverage to get him the most benefit. A mix of both makes better sense. Inbound takes more time compared to all your paid ads and everything. So, that’s much better and gives you quick results. What exactly does the first 30 days in your agency look like? How exactly do you take care of the onboarding, and what are the next few steps you take forward?

Got you.

I got you. What’s the average life cycle of clients in your agency? What’s the churn rate right now?

So, 0% churn rate, right?

I got you. And let’s talk about one of the most important things. This thing is basically like the most skilled client that you have. Some very, this thing, what do you call it? A successful case study where you had any of your client’s businesses grow radically. So, I understand your business isn’t that whole, but still, can you share some of the successful case studies yours?
So, where they are in the journey, how marketing can help more than just giving leads to sales. What information we can use to break the silos and make the team work together. That was the situation. So, a disconnected team, data was disconnected. Nobody trusts the numbers. Marketing generated leads without knowing what was a good lead, creating bottlenecks in the operation. They would need more clarity. Even if they were a large company, they would not perform well, and the efficiency could have been higher. We eliminated the different software, built one single process from marketing to revenue, and connected everything. So, what happened is easy. They started doubling the numbers and going from an under-performing country in this enterprise company to one of the top performers in the world.

Please share a few KPIs that you can improve when it comes to efficiency. Any data that you can share with us?

Wow. Sales?

That’s amazing, man. What did you do? When it comes to improving the sales cycle, I’ve always seen that when you consult a business or make a process change, it constantly needs to improve with the adaptability of the team members in a specific organization. They used to have a certain mindset and a different working structure altogether. And then with the consultation, you change that, make it better. The objective is always good. However, adapting to new changes always causes chaos. How do you deal with such situations?
Are you onboarded with us? Great. You are not? Sorry, I cannot help you because we can replicate what you do. But what you do needs to be fixed. At least we need to try and test it differently. This is usually how we convince managers and executives to change. And then it’s all about training, training the operation to change. And when they see the value, they become the change advisors. They started to advocate, Hey, guys, this is great. It would be best if you did that because my performance is improving. What in the beginning is chaos and fear. Because our change creates chaos and fear, then becomes comfort and excitement. We call this the honeymoon phase. First, you are going to hate us. Then, you are in the honeymoon phase.

Since you’ve been involved way into training and with the sales consultations as well a lot, we share a few tips of something that every business can use to convert the leads to the actual business and the big clients. How do you go about that?

For your customers, mainly tech companies.
What we do to help our customers grow and generate more revenue is simple, with essential, basically created this way of mapping the formula and identifying a bottleneck. For example, in this customer that I told you we generated those outstanding numbers, we made them reach a tough and painful conclusion: more leads do not necessarily mean more sales. Why? With the formula, we created a way of showing them that every time the demand goes up since they were not adding new reps to treat the demand, the efficiency decreases, and the number of sales would remain the same. So, if you analyze all the graphs in a logarithmic scale, every time demand would reach a point that would suppress the operation capacity, the efficiency would go down, and the number of sales would remain the same. The way is simple. You can easily find where the bottleneck is when you have these numbers. And then, you came up with an action to address the bottleneck and get it sorted out. Then, it would probably create another bottleneck in the formula, and then you fix the other bottleneck.
Over time, the numbers started increasing like crazy because the unstable system became predictable and replicable. And finally, this is scalability. That’s clever. This is exponential growth.

Yeah, that’s clever. Also, because you deal with CRMs and automation, and you’ve been doing it for so long now, what are the common mistakes you see in businesses regarding these tools, and how do you avoid them?
And what they are doing is about having an operational call. So, we’re doing this: Okay, let’s queue this account, queue this CRM, and nearly implement the same CRM aside. So, right now, they are running with two HubSpot accounts. One that we’re going to queue because it’s impossible to save, and the other one is the new process. So, this mistake for me is the most frequent and the one that has the most impact because every time you make the right the wrong decision in terms of how to implement and how to do this in the future, in the long run, is where you’re going to regret of not having someone by your side telling you how the right thing should be done.

Absolutely. You have because you have stepped into multiple issues throughout your professional career. Are there any horror stories you want to share with us today?
This is where we learned, one, the importance of a quality process, and two, my team this week learned the importance that you can have in an operation because those mistakes could be seen as small because it was partially correct. Some details went through without checking and paralyzed three operations with hundreds and thousands of salespeople. That’s when you learn, Hey, great power is a great responsibility.

Yeah, that’s true.

In your business, you have a reasonable retention rate for your clients. Here are a few helpful tips so that other marketing agencies can benefit.
What’s the frequency that you are going to meet? What are the communications channels? How do you receive the man? And especially how you make clear what is being done and what will be done for everyone. So I can check the status of my requests. And this is for me; the only way to create a successful service company is to manage to do it when you become an extension of the team. You’re not anymore a service provider. You become an extension of the company. And they cannot live without you because you’re part of the team. You deliver outstanding results; you have a communication process that makes them feel you belong to the company. You don’t talk about you guys; you talk about us. You don’t say you and me; you say us. When you change the mindset to not see your customer as someone who is just your customer, but yourselves as a team, and you put yourself in the position of being part of your customer, your team, things start to happen, and things start to change.

That’s very genuine. Setting the right expectations, doing your job right, and building relationships are like pillars for marketing agencies and almost every business. That should be the core principle and followed by every team member when it comes to their job. It takes you places, right? It helps you grow as a human being and the business overall. Yeah. So, Fernando, we’re ending here, and I would like to have a quick rapid-fire with you. Are you ready for that?

What motivates you the most?

At what age were you the happiest, and why?

Got you. Then, one word that describes you the best?

What is your next big goal in life?

Got you. Coming to my last question, what scares you the most?

That’s very nice, Fernando. Thank you so much for all your time and all the valuable text that you shared with us. I appreciate it. Thank you so much.

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