Get To Know Nikki Bisel Craig, Founder Of Seafoam Media,

September 13, 2022 | Interview


Please tell us about yourself, where you work and your role at your company.

I am the founder and owner of Seafoam Media, a digital marketing consultancy and agency. Over the last decade, I’ve been involved in almost every aspect of digital marketing at our company. Today, my day to day consists of organizing and directing internal growth initiatives.

How did you get introduced to digital marketing, more specifically SEO?

Upon entering the digital marketing arena a decade ago, it became readily apparent that SEO was (and, of course, is) going to be a key driver in marketing for most industries. More so than any other marketing strategy, SEO finds itself becoming integrated with and affecting other strategies. What I mean by that is that if you focus in your company’s SEO, you’ll also be positively affecting a number of other marketing silos and metrics. For example, if you’re focused on local SEO efforts, you’ll likely be paying more attention to your local social profiles – two birds, one stone; by making your local social profiles more robust and accurate, you’ll not just be help your SEO, but also your social presence, brand awareness, and likely brand engagement (through social and search CTA).

How do you think SEO has changed over the last 10 years? And, how do you think year 2019 will shape up for SEO industry?

SEO is getting ever-smarter. Each year, search engines (Google in particular), are tweaking their algorithms to discount shortcuts and black hat maneuvering while beefing up the rewards (increased rankings) for showing that your website is worth being seeing, used, and talked about. Search algorithms are becoming more and more like the human brain in terms of how they perceive and evaluate authenticity and usefulness. In 2019 and beyond, companies should be focused on being as innovative and useful as possible so that the people and organizations around them can’t help but talk about them. The natural byproduct of an innovative organization combined with seo experts that can translate that into your online presence is often solid, lasting success.

What are the services you provide to your clients and what do you think makes your business stand out among your competitors?.

We’re a full service digital marketing agency and consultancy. What separates us is our focus on simplicity. We start every new relationship by choosing specific, measurable company goals and then reverse engineering that success into a detailed plan of action. We distill our strategy and reporting so that we Truly propel brands forward. We also like to take our clients out to lunch and bring them surprise donuts, because what good is success if you can’t enjoy a bite to eat along with it!aa

Everybody knows what you have achieved, I would like to talk about your failure stories and how they impacted your professional life. (As we know Rome was not built in a day)

Failure is frequent piece of any digital marketing agency. What I mean by that is that we’re constantly learning how to do things better, faster, more effectively. Our job is to always be looking for a way to optimize. Every week we’re analyzing data, trends, users, conversion rates, rankings, etc. there’s no such thing as perfect in marketing, so our every day story is finding “failures” and turning them into opportunities.

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