Every domain name is unique, and the related information about it is also unique to a certain extent. DNS or Domain Name Server is a directory that records information about every domain.
The DNS Server database includes information about a domain's IP address and name.
The DNS records are generally shared amongst the servers. Plus, they are recorded as caches on the user's device as well.
Our DNS Lookup Tool helps you find DNS records of a domain.
DNS records contain information about every single website in the world. And each one of the domains has a unique IP Address that separates it from the others -you can know about a domain's IP address using the Domain to IP converter for free.
In the DNS Records, you will find the name of the domains along with their IP addresses. But, in order to check DNS records of a domain, you will have to spend a lot of time searching for the IP address and data included in the records. Therefore, RankWatch has prepared a tool that can help you extract DNS Records about any domain in a jiffy.
Apart from that, our DNS Record Finder is considered to be one of the best tools available in the market. Through our tool, you can check DNS records conveniently, and our DNS checker provides you with additional information as well, which are as follows:
When you have checked DNS records of a domain and started analysing the report, you will learn more about the domain with the help of additional information provided in the report.
Furthermore, our tool is freeware i.e. you can extract DNS records for free. There is no need for an email ID either. You just have to enter the domain you want to check DNS records of and press 'Find DNS Records' button. Then the DNS Lookup tool will start processing your request and begin accumulating data related to your domain name server. The end report will be produced in an instant.
RankWatch has launched numerous free tools to help the community with better website management, improved content optimisation, enhanced SEO, and much more. There are free tools like the Keyword Suggestion Tool, Domain Age Checker, Favicon Generator, the list goes on.
None of these free tools have complicated working; they are all easy to use. And as far as the DNS Lookup Tool is concerned, finding DNS records with this tool is one of the simplest tasks.
You have to begin by opening the DNS Lookup Tool (listed in the Domain section of the free tools by RankWatch). Then you should enter the domain name of the site for which you want to check DNS records. After doing that, just click on the 'Find DNS Records' button. By pressing that button, you allow the DNS Lookup Tool to begin running its algorithm and start extracting the records for the submitted domain and compile it in a report.
The processing and compiling of the DNS records may sound a lengthy task that can consume a lot of your time. But RankWatch has prepared the DNS Lookup Tool with an advanced algorithm so, just as you press 'Find DNS Records' the tool will extract, compile, and process the DNS records report in mere seconds.
In a domain's DNS records, the compiled information can be beneficial for webmasters all over the world. The records provide you with detailed information about any website on the internet. If you want information about the DNS type, DNS class, or the valid IP address, then you can find the required information in the DNS records.
With the information listed in the Domain Name Records, you can identify the location of an IP address, and it's hosting service provider. And when you know the Domain Name and the hosting services provider, it becomes easier for you to determine the day the website was launched and the day it was last updated.
For businesses, it is essential for them to study their competitors. And performing a DNS Lookup on your competitors can give you access to their domain name records which can help you extract every detail about your domain.
DNS Servers maintain records about a domain. Those DNS records include information like the domain name, the domain’s IP address, the DNS type, etc.
There are four types of DNS servers:
The DNS Recursive Resolver contacts these for extraction of DNS records. DNS root Nameservers start analysing the DNS query and gather gain information about the domain name and forwards it to the TLD Nameserver.
The job of the TLD Nameserver is to gather information about every domain name and categorises them based on their extension. For instance, Domains with .com extension will be compiled in one list, and .net extension domains will be recorded in a separate list. Then, it sends across this information to the Authoritative Server.
The Authoritative Nameserver is the final destination for extracting DNS records. The information about the domain is forwarded from the DNS recursive server to DNS Root nameserver, TLD Nameserver, and finally, the Authoritative Nameserver.
The DNS records, which include the IP address as well, are prepared by the Authoritative Nameserver when the domain names are provided by the TLD nameserver.
DNS records are a collection of detailed data related to a domain.
Every domain has a unique IP address that redirects to the domain itself, similarly, DNS addresses are a unique combination of numbers for domains.