Content is king, but it shares its crown with SEO. While social media and SEO strategies are changing all the time, there is one thing that remains steady: SEO and social media work better together. Only by playing in sequence, they bring the desired outcomes and boost your brand exposure.
According to a recent study, 7 out of the 10 essential SEO ranking factors are related to social media. Hence, aligning your content marketing efforts with SEO strategy is essential for getting where you want to be. Below mentioned are the reasons why your social media marketing strategies should go hand in hand with SEO.
1. Social media content gets indexed
Publishing the right type of content at the right time can make a significant impact on your overall social media marketing. If you produce quality content and post it on a regular basis – you see your engagement rates grow and your content marketing efforts pay off, especially in the long run.
Sure thing, it doesn’t mean that every social media post should necessarily find its way to Google. However, if your content is relevant enough, chances are search engines will notice that.
Search engines get along with social media content. Search spiders crawl through social media content quickly because such content gets noticed almost instantly. Take benefit from this tactic and you’ll see your search results skyrocket along with your social media content.
2. Search engines fall for the best user experience
To help your content appear in the top results, you should provide relevant, well-structured, and visually attractive information across all platforms. Make sure your Twitter posts, FB images, Instagram stories, and blog articles have visual consistency in style & content formats.
Use high-quality images for making your content stand out. Animated graphics usually perform better than traditional images, so consider adding it to your posting schedule as well. Special tools like Crello can help you improve images & videos – so there’s no need to ask designers for help.
Care about the technical quality of your sites. Search engine spiders reward pages with proper coding, responsive UI, and interactive sitemaps. Make sure your site and social media pages are as high-quality as engaging. To enhance your social media content as part of your SEO strategy, use a few simple tips below:
- Did you know 50% of Americans read at an 8th grade level? In order to meet people’s expectations, make sure your posts disregard complex vocabulary and are easy to understand.
- People buy products/services only from the companies they trust. Make your content consistent to become a thought leader in your industry.
- Social media posts with several likes and shares boost your engagement and organic click-through rates. Add social media widgets/sharing buttons to your website homepage, newsletter, and social media posts. It will help you to build cross-platform communication with your audience.
- People enjoy discussing literally everything online. In order to benefit from it, you should add commenting feature to your blog. Disqus or FB social media plug-ins can be used for that.
- Social media platforms serve as search engines as well. Use keywords to help your content reach out to the audience it is targeted to.
3. People don’t trust brands. They trust authorities
The reputation of a website becomes higher over time, but only if you keep pushing it forward. Engaging content, high-quality inbound backlinks, social media likes, and shares help your pages grow. That’s why it’s essential to focus on the process, not just the end result. If you produce quality content, in terms of both textual and visual aspects – your users get what they’re looking for, which in turn brings you a greater number of followers, shares, and votes.
Up until now, the world of link-building was totally different. Social media didn’t exist so no one could perceive it as a tool for building backlinks. Fast forward to today, social media is one of the most powerful content distribution engines. Hence, it’s impossible to ignore its authority.
In order to give your website an engaged community of visitors, your content has to be relevant to users’ interests. If your readers use Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter – your content should be distributed across all these channels. For instance, if you write about cooking, getting a few backlinks from popular cooking blogs might be worth a shot. However, getting thousands of likes/shares from Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter will be much better. This way, you’ll get brownie points from Google faster.
Your content is powerful only when it’s relevant to your audience’s needs. Keep it in mind to reach the right people.
4. Social media boosts engagement
Google doesn’t count the number of shares or the size of a community to define the authority of a web page. This method would be too easy to manipulate. That’s why Google focuses on more complex metrics that show how active and live social conversations are.
Search engine spiders crawl through Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook to see the contents and links hidden there. Since Twitter links are nofollow, Google won’t pass link juice through the Twitter pages. However, Google can still use links to index content posted there.
With these tricks in mind, you can take the most out of your social media and SEO strategies. SEO is no longer about site structure, and a set of keywords scattered around the page.
Modern SEO is also about building authority, conversations, and engagement. Use this knowledge to determine your SEO strategy in the future.
5. Social media is all about real people
Though SEO has a purely technical nature, it has a human face too. When search engines take users out of the equation – they fail to evaluate websites objectively. Because the human touch is the only thing that makes internet alive.
Search engines have always tried to move beyond purely technical domain, looking for a better way to serve humans, not users. For this reason, keyword optimization alone won’t take you to the first pages of Google. There will always be someone who can combine SEO tools with a human element to create truly valuable content.
Since social media is rapidly growing, it is transforming into a key element of SEO, as social media is all about real people. You can use it as a powerful tool. Divide your audience into interest groups, a target who you want, and track content performance. Following this track, you’ll get a bird’s view of your social media – which would be great in terms of SEO.
Alignment across different social media channels is essential if you keep your long-term strategy in mind. The good news is if you’re already producing engaging content, you’re already halfway to where you want to be. Social media is a great way to boost your SEO performance, but it’s not the only one.
The increasingly tight bond between SEO and social is just a natural consequence of what has always been true – content that is engaging & relevant gets trust, authority, and exposure literally overnight. So focus on producing quality content for reaching the audience you want to target.
Once you’ve figured out how to combine your social media & SEO organically, you’ll notice how they complement each other, doubling your company’s ROI. Everything else will come naturally.
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