Please welcome the new Site Auditor module to RankWatch. The new feature has been added to the family to improve your website’s Crawlability, Accessibility, Content, Semantics, Links and Coding.
RankWatch will first test each page against multiple checkpoints and once it identifies the issues, related to any of the sections mentioned above, it will categorize them into 3 separate groups depending upon their severity and influence on the website. Each error found by RankWatch can be scrutinized further, which will reveal the basis on which it was categorized as an error.
The Errors are divided as:
– Major Errors
– Moderate Errors
– Minor Errors
Now, lets go over the module phase by phase. As you can see below, once the domain is added on RankWatch, it will do a complete website audit by crawling the pages and determining factors such as:
– Duplicate Content
– Unique Pages
– Non 200 Pages
– Non Indexable page
– Failed URL’s
The percentage of pages it finds that need urgent attention will be expressed here and subsequently grouped based on their severity.
As shown below, for the domain added, there are 42.11% of pages, which have some sort of major error. The top errors common among the pages have also been shared on its right hand side.
For example, the most common error among the pages is the missing ALT-Tag. As expressed, 231 pages have missing ALT in the images, which is affecting 90% of the pages altogether.
A round up of all the pages with the issues have also been listed below. As you can see, each page, which has a Major Error or Errors, has been defined here with its respective number of issues as well as a specific URL grade.
Upon clicking the individual error specified, you can check all the pages that have the same error and thus dissect the issue completely. Under the details column, RankWatch provides the exact reason and specifics as to why it is considered a major error.
We are launching this feature phase wise, if you would like to get access to this immediately, please write to us at [email protected] and we will get the needful done.
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