Best Ways To Increase Your Online Ranking Through Storytelling

June 21, 2023 | Content Marketing

SEO Ranking

Everyone likes a story. As it turns out, this phrase is true in both a traditional sense and in an SEO sense as well.

SEO is a skill which is in extremely high demand these days, with organizations investing lots of money into their click-through rates and their overall ranking. A company’s success can actually revolve entirely around where they rank in the search engine listings. As such, the field of SEO has been embraced and has expanded, both in size and creativity.  

One discovery in the field of SEO ranking relates to the ever-important task of boosting your link up the totem pole of other search results; that is storytelling can actually be a huge help. It might seem a strange concept, with so much of SEO being about the specific, minute details of keywords and activators, but stories can actually really help you to achieve your goal.

If you’re not sure how this can be, here are some tips about using storytelling to increase your ranking.

1. Social Media

The world of social media is in a unique position of containing an enormous amount of marketing, sales, and business potential at the same time as containing regular old people.

In a sense, one leads to the other. But the benefits of a social media presence or a company can be huge. This doesn’t necessarily mean simply running your content out of a social media profile of your own creation: this kind of self-promotion, whilst potentially effective, can be received negatively by consumers using social media. Instead, by using story-telling, you can position yourself as something to be shared.

Social media users will want to inadvertently market your brand through sharing if you offer them a story worth hearing or worth being told. Having people share your page ups your click-rates and can lead to better SEO positioning as search engines typically look to this as an indication of the value of your site.

2. Diversity

Stories are different from straight marketing or SEO in the sense that they have the potential for an enormously wide-reaching appeal.

The better written the story is for your process, the more likely it is that you will attract people not just from your city, state or even your country, but from all around the world.

Well written stories will have universal implications, relating to ‘people’ full-stop, not your specific target demographic. “When you are promoting a story as a company, your chances of ‘going viral’ increase greatly”, claims Lesley Gordon, storytelling guru at BigAssignments.

“Real marketing can be alienating, but a story can grip people from all across the world which will almost always lead to higher SEO rankings.” Search engines appreciate the value in a site which can entice clicks from across the globe and will reward you with a ranking that will continue the cycle of popularity.

3. Writing Toolkit

Improving your SEO ranking through storytelling is not quite as simple as knocking together any old story and waiting for the clicks to come in.

Actual effective storytelling for SEO is quite difficult with a lot of considerations to be made. For one, it has to toe the line between being creative and engaging in a genuine and appealing sense, whilst also sending the message about your company and what it is that they might potentially offer a consumer. It’s a delicate balance one has to strike and can require some hard work and skills.

So, here are some tools which could be of use to you:

  1. GetBeamer – Beamer is an easy-to-use newsfeed and changelog that helps improve user engagement by announcing special offers, features, and updates. Perfect for SEO writing.
  2. MyWritingWay and LetsGoLearn– Two writing guides which give specific advice on how to improve the grammar in your stories. A very approachable way to learn an important skill.
  3. Academized and UK writing– These are proofreading tools, perfect for helping you ensure that your content is perfect before you send it out. Positively reviewed in Academized review.
  4. StudyDemic and SimpleGrad – Both of these sites have lots of suggestions on improving your stories generally. Learn some new writing and editing tips to stay on top of your storytelling style.
  5. Assignment Writer and EssayRoo – Two proofreading sites which go beyond normal spellcheck and are perfect for writing correctly spelt stories. Good spelling breeds confidence in the readership, as suggested by

4. Lowering Bounce Rates

Employing good storytelling to aid your SEO performance can be incredibly good at decreasing the rate at which people click on your page but then immediately click off.

Losing someone quickly is the sign that a page doesn’t have a good hook: some sort of material which keeps the visitors’ attention and draws them into exploring the page further.

“Sites which tell a good story are instantly more likely to retain visitors: a good story sucks you into its narrative and, when used correctly, it will also suck the reader into the page it is presented on which is a great thing for SEO performance”, so says SEO writer from OXEssays, William Pitt.

If you can hold onto a clicker for that extra amount of time search engines will reward you with higher placement in the search rankings.

5. Click-Through Rates

Just like how, by using storytelling you can keep someone’s attention once they are on the page, you are much more able to garner that initial interest if you use stories as well.

Click-through rates refer to how often people chose your link first out of all those listed on a search engine. It’s a massive factor when a search engine is looking to decide their ranking and it also gives you a very good indication of the success of your SEO.

By using a story as the hook into your site, you are more likely to get people to engage with it when they have the whole of their Google results page to chose from an effective story. You will garner clicks that the search engine will then refer to when placing you higher on the ranking.

Similarly, it feeds into the cyclical nature of search engine optimization already at play. If you are able to hook people in with your excellently written and intriguing story-based content, you will receive a higher ranking in the results list.

But this then leads directly to more exposure which allows the storytelling aspect of your page to perform even better, with a larger and more varied audience being confronted with your link at the top of the search. That cycle can be benefited from endlessly if you are smart about it and can see your site cemented at the top of the search indefinitely.


Hopefully, this collection of ways to use storytelling and the potential benefits has shown how effective it can be to invest your time and energy for producing good quality story-based content.

Stories are what moves and motivate humans (consumers or not). So, keep this in mind and you’ll be sure to see your position on the ever-important sliding scale of search results rankings increasing dramatically.

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