You were searching for an article on the best air fryer that will help you make a smart choice. However, upon searching, you found two articles from the same website ranking on the first SERP page.
While one of the pages shows you the blog on the best air fryers, the other takes you to the eCommerce website containing tons of air fryers. Confused? This is a clear case of keyword cannibalization, which forces two or more web pages from the same website to compete for the top ranking.
It might seem like a good idea to have more of your web pages in the SERP results, but it’s not. Keyword cannibalization does more harm than good, as it confuses both users and Google crawlers, leading to lower clicks and conversions and even increasing the chances of Google penalization.
Now, we don’t want that, right? That’s why RankWatch has introduced some new features that will help you recognize cases of keyword cannibalization on your website. All you have to do is sign up and avail the benefits to get rid of keyword cannibalization.
How to Find Keyword Cannibalization with RankWatch?
We understand how SEO cannibalization can tank your website’s rankings and further affect future rankings as well. That’s why we have introduced some additional features in our existing dashboard that will help you identify and eliminate keyword cannibalization from its root.
1. Through Console
RankWatch Console is well-known in the industry due to its various benefits that overcome the limitations of Google Search Console. However, we are not here to gush over our amazing Console. Instead, we will guide you on how you can identify keyword cannibalization with the help of our Console.
- Log in to your RankWatch account.
- Go to the Console section and integrate your Google Search Console account with RankWatch with the one-step integration process.
- Select the project for which you want to identify keyword cannibalization.
- You will get a table containing all the search queries for which your website gained rankings.
- Each search query is mapped with the most ranking URL for the same. The table also contains other important metrics such as average ranking, clicks, impressions, etc.
- Go to the “Ranking URL Count” column in the table to view the total number of URLs ranking and competing for the same search query.
- Click on the stated number in the “Ranking URL column,” and a new dashboard will appear, stipulating the URLs along with each page’s position, CTR, impressions, and other essential metrics.
- Analyze the pages with better positions than the intended web page and their impressions, and start working on it.
It is well known that identifying cases of SEO keyword cannibalization is rather difficult than actually removing them. Since RankWatch Console helps you identify SEO cannibalization and allows exporting data, you can simply download the entire table and eliminate keyword cannibalization from your website.
2. Through Ranking Overview
Though Console is highly accurate and provides enough details to eliminate SEO keyword cannibalization, there’s another method, too, through which you can discover the instances of SEO cannibalization.
Our Ranking Overview not only helps you discover current rankings of your web pages and the keywords that facilitate the growth but also helps you find internal competition.
After logging into your RankWatch account, go to the “Ranking Overview” section and select the “Rankings” tab.
Here, you will get a table stating all your ranking pages and various metrics. To figure out cases of keyword cannibalization in SEO, you first need to add some extra metrics to the table.
Select “Table Settings” and add the following options to the table:
- Rank
- Ranking URL
- Previous Rank
- Previous Ranking URL
- Search Volume
- Share of Voice (SOV)
Once done, the table will now showcase the current URL connected to the ranking keyword that was previously some other URL. Such instances of keyword cannibalization in SEO are marked with an exclamation mark for easy identification.
You can simply export the information from the dashboard and start working on it.
Summing Up…
You can fix SEO keyword cannibalization on your website through various methods, and RankWatch can help you with that.
However, this was all about our new features that help you identify cases of keyword cannibalization in SEO within seconds.
Happy reading!
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