3. Off Page Optimisation
Article #3.15

Directory Submissions: How to do it?

To understand Directory submission, understanding the base is necessary. 
Let’s take Google as an example. Initially when Google was not there, people used to go on web directories to search for any information, as web directories were the source for useful resources.

What is Directory submission?

Directory submission is defined as the practice of submitting your website URL and its details on the web in a directory under a particular category. This is a way which helps you to improve your link building
Directory Submission is an off page factor which helps to optimize your webpage. In these directories, your own website is submitted to another website.
There are different categories under which you can submit your website. For example, if you have a site related to Health, then you will submit your site under Health category which will help you to get backlinks from them. It very interestingly build links in one way. These directories are somewhat similar to the phone directories which has a list of websites in each category. 
There are three types of Directory Submissions:

  • Paid or Featured Web Listing: In this, the owner of Directories site will charge for Submission and your link will be approved in some moment or within 24 hours. This will help you in getting backlinks from this type of submission. Some sites offer this package for yearly or lifetime.
  • Free or Regular Web Listing: It is free for Directory Submission, no one charges for free or regular submission but there is no guarantee of the websites getting approved by the Administrator. Also, this involves time. 
  • Reciprocal Regular Web Listing: In this, a reciprocal link must be submitted to your site when you activate Directory Link, only then the Directory administrator will approve your link.

Importance of Directory submissions in SEO?

Directory submission being a basic aspect of Off page optimisation, helps in doing search engine optimisation. Directory submissions also attracts traffic on your website and getting high quality no follow backlinks.
Directory submissions helps in increasing your page rank by building authority backlinks. For the people who have just started doing blogging, it is a must for them. This way you will see growth in the rankings of your website and blog by submitting your url to web directories.   

Method of doing Directory submission in SEO:

While doing Directory Submissions for effective SEO, make sure you choose the category which is of your niche. Search and research about the directories which are best suitable for your website.
Before you submit your website or a blog find a particular category where you have to submit a link or insert your blog’s URL. That’s all and you are done!

If you want me to guide you through this process, then here it goes:

  1. The first step is to choose amongst the best directory submission site list.
  2. Select the site where you want to post your blog or website. I have taken http://www.usalistingdirectory.com as an example.

  3. Then choose the most appropriate category for your blog, where you feel your blog fits best amongst the categories.

  4. After choosing, click on the relevant category and click on submit link to submit your blog. For example I have clicked on Blog.

  5. After you have clicked, there will be more options to narrow down in which section you need to post your blog. So, i selected Blogs, and then i selected technology. You can see that in the screenshot given below.

  6. The last step is to click on add article in the section. Just fill in your details about URL, title and description and you are done with the submission.

Some tips for not going wrong on submissions:

  • Submit your website to the most suitable sub category.
  • Do not submit your website to the wrong category just for gainful listings.
  • Remember, not to spam a directory.
  • Make sure the physical address or blog stats you provide are correct.
  • Try to avoid a site that requires a link back or banners on your site. Having badges and sitewide linkbacks to the directories may harm your site’s SEO score. 
    So better stay safe. 

To Sum up

Blogs directories give you a helping hand in getting noticed. Submitting to blog directories is important to get backlinks. Don’t overdo it, but it’s always better to get listed in few good Directories for SEO benefits.  

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